Spend $100 or more to get free shipping. See us at Melbourne Good Food & Wine Show, 30 May-1 June 2025.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer free shipping?
We offer free shipping on all purchases of $100 and over.

If you live in Melbourne you are welcome to collect your purchase from our Brighton, VIC premises by arrangement at no charge. Simply tick the “Free pickup Brighton, VIC” shipping option at checkout.

Do you deliver purchases Australia-wide?
We only deliver Australia-wide if they belong to the Nationwide delivery category.

The products which are Melbourne delivery only are too heavy and/or fragile, or perishable to deliver outside Melbourne. These items can be collected for free from our Brighton, VIC premises or you can pay a metropolitan Melbourne shipping fee of $20.

Can we have our decor purchases delivered earlier?
The timings on all decor items available for purchase have been agreed with the suppliers. While it may be possible, please note you may have to pay an extra rush production fee or an urgent delivery fee to get your items faster if you are on deadline.

Please check the delivery timeline on the Buy products. (This is the section at the top and bottom of each Buy product description page that reads: "If you order today for delivery in Australia, the expected delivery date is [x] or later."). This date moves one day ahead every day.

Can we get the courier driver to call us on approach?
No. If your order is being delivered outside metropolitan Melbourne, we cannot give you specific delivery times - let alone get the driver to call ahead that they're 30 minutes away etc - for the simple reason that courier companies do not give their drivers work phones as they don't want them using a phone while driving. 

Please see our blog post on 8 tips for receiving your homewares order as easily as possible.

What are your shipping fees?
Please note: You will be charged ONE flat rate shipping fee if you order one or more items which total less than $100; you will not be charged a shipping fee per item.

Delivery fees for orders under $100

Area Shipping fee
Outside Metro Melbourne $20
Metro Melbourne (3000-3207, 8000-8399) $15
Free pickup Brighton, VIC by arrangement

If you order a large quantity of items for interstate delivery and/or if your item is extra bulky, we will get a delivery quote for you.

Do you take on new suppliers?
Yes. We are always looking for suitable décor products, with a preference for Australian-made items.